This is a particularly American sentiment in more than one way. First, our rights are "God-given." This is something almost forgotten in today's political discourse. The Declaration of Independence refers to our rights as being "endowed by the Creator" and that they are unalienable. This First Principle of unalienable rights must form the core of our understanding of rights - not a sideshow. Most people live in countries where the government rejects the idea of unalienable rights - they live where the government bestows the rights. Well, then they are not rights at all, but privileges, subject to the whims of the master. Not in America. Not yet.
Second, "We must all do our part" to protect those rights. In most countries, the government has the responsibility to protect privileges. Here in the People have the responsibility. That is why we cherish the rights of free speech, free press, the right to assemble, the right to petition, and right to vote. We must keep this freedom. Depending on the government to do it for you will ensure you lose it.
In our sharply divided country, many passionately disagree with President Obama on many issues. Hopefully we can all unite on these precious advice.
For more on our First Principles, visit AmericasSurvivalGuide.com and PatriotWeek.org.
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